Presentation of Monsieur Tshirt

The Monsieur TSHIRT mindset

How do you reinvent the T-shirt - this timeless garment? Take a quality, 100% organic cotton T-shirt, a healthy dose of creativity and a team that takes excellent care of each of its customers.


100% of our cotton

is organic

Organic cotton is the only alternative that really limits the use of chemical products in favour of organic or natural fertilisers and pesticides.

We are proud to use this organic cotton, which at present only accounts for 1% of the 25 million tonnes of cotton produced on an annual basis.


Printed in France

With pride

By placing your trust in Monsieur TSHIRT, you have contributed to the creation of more than 60 jobs, right here in France!

In our design studio in Paris and in our printing workshop in Bordeaux, over the years we have created jobs for designers, communications specialists, sales staff, and even developers.

We are particularly proud to have created15 industrial jobs in France, a country that has developed a habit of eradicating such positions.


Humour and creativity

as key words

We launched Monsieur TSHIRT with this desire to find joy in our work.

this state of mind is apparent in all of our creations. Day after day, we try to make you smile, and to offer you the best of this truly casual garment that we all know and love.


Monsieur TSHIRT

serving you

In our mind, a funny story is, first and foremost, a story well told.

We therefore do everything in our power to make sure your experience is perfect: free delivery and returns, express deliveries, customer ratings, human customer service, with high availability...

Your opinion counts more than anything and helps us to grow, so don’t ever hesitate to let us hear it.


From the web

To our stores

The adventure began exclusively online, however, your repeated requests led us to venture into physical commerce, to meet you where you are.

You can now find Monsieur TSHIRT products in our physical stores, and from our cherished distributors.



your own models

Every day, we create dozens of new designs on Monsieur TSHIRT. But sometimes, we have to admit, you are funnier than we are! With this in mind, we allow you to change the text in some of our designs.

This is also what Monsieur TSHIRT is about

Next day delivery

Within Europe (See conditions)

French company and after-sales

Operating out of Bordeaux

Ultra-responsive customer service

011 3360 9515 (free call)

From monday to friday from 8:30am to 11am and from 13pm to 16pm